“Sell the cookware if necessary and come,” author Hamlin Garland implored his parents back in Wisconsin in 1893. “You must see the fair.”
Columbian Exposition enthusiasts in the Chicago area have two opportunities to “see the Fair” in November. We are hosting a talk by World’s Fair author Cindy Keeling on November 11, and we’ll be participating in a World’s Fair collectors event on November 12 at the Glessner House. Please consider coming to learn about the Exposition and meet other enthusiasts.
The Glessner House in Chicago is hosting an event showcasing collections from both the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition and the 1933-34 Century of Progress. On Sunday, November 12, 2023, “Collectibles from Chicago’s Two World’s Fairs” will bring together several World’s Fair collectors who will exhibit a portion of their collections, ranging from guidebooks, postcards, tickets, and commemorative coins to wall hangings, glass and ceramic tchotchkes, plates, and silver spoons.
We will be bringing some items from our collection and look forward to meeting other collectors or Columbian Exposition ethusiasts who attend.
2:00 – 3:15 pm: Exhibit
3:15 – 4:00 pm: Collectors share the stories behind their favorite objects
This program will held at the Glessner House (1800 South Prairie Avenue in Chicago). Tickets are $15 per person / $12 for members and can be purchsed at https://www.glessnerhouse.org/programs/fair-collectibles.
Collectibles from Chicago’s Two World’s Fairs

The Glessner House
1800 South Prairie Avenue
Chicago, IL
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, CT