The Dumbarton Oaks fellowship program began in 1940 with a cohort of five junior Byzantinists, its mission to facilitate, disseminate, and advance research in the Humanities. Today, and with this same aim, our programs award over 150 appointments annually in the expanded fields of Byzantine, Garden and Landscape, and Pre-Columbian Studies. Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month nonresidential awards to researchers and short-term predoctoral residencies to advanced graduate students. A program of project grants primarily supports archaeological research, as well as materials analysis and photographic surveys of objects and monuments. Summer schools and workshops bring together students for in-depth study of languages, material culture, and theory.
“Books, gardens and material culture at the Museum; what else could a humanist ask for? Good conversation, interesting scholars, and most of all, diverse friends.”
—Dumbarton Oaks Fellow, 2019
Many of the fellowship opportunities for the academic year and summer term are due on Nov 1, 2023.