This walking tour will meet at the main steps of the Life Science Center on the Trinity College Campus. Parking is available nearby and in the Ferris Athletic Center parking lot. We will walk down Fairfield Ave to Cedar Hill Cemetery. Both Trinity and Cedar Hill Cemetery are Olmsted properties in Hartford.
Established in 1823, Trinity College moved to its current Olmsted-influenced campus in 1878. Established in 1864, Cedar Hill Cemetery is a “rural” cemetery with historic landscapes, monuments, ponds, and meadows.
Once in the cemetery, we will find the graves of Sophia Fowler (section 3), Thomas Gallaudet (section 3), Horace Wells (section 4), and Yung Wing (section 10) to learn about them. Other notable people buried here are Rev. Thomas Brownell, Henry Green, Katherine Hepburn, Isabelle Beecher Hooker, J.P. Morgan, and Wallace Stevens. (To hear the self-guided cellphone tour, dial (860) 760-9979 and press 8# for Gallaudet, #2 for Wells, and #21 for Wing).
We will also check out some of the notable trees including the European Weeping Beech, the Umbrella Magnolia, and the Huss Hemlock.
There is no official registration and no official end time to this event. The website takes you to the cemetery so that you can learn more before joining us.
Learn more:
Wing, Yung. My Life in China and America. New York: Henry Holt Company, 1909.
Fenster, Julie M. Ether Day: The Strange Tale of America’s Greatest Medical Discovery and the Haunted Men Who Made It. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. UCLA School of Dentistry.
Downs, M. (2018). The Strange and True Tale of Horace Wells, Surgeon Dentist: A Novel. Acre Books.
Smalls, S.J. (2017). A Study of Alice Cogswell. CreateSpace Publishing.