Our keynote speaker will be Olmsted Landscape Historian, Arleyn A. Levee, Hon. ASLA. Arleyn A. Levee, Hon. ASLA is a landscape designer, historian and preservation consultant, specializing in the work of the Olmsted firm. She received degrees from Wellesley College, Harvard University and the Radcliffe Seminars Program in Landscape Design. After a 20-year practice in residential design, she now concentrates on research, writing and lecturing about Olmsted firm projects, working with firms and municipalities to assess designed historic landscapes and guide their appropriate rehabilitation. Ms. Levee has lectured across the country on aspects of landscape history, research, preservation and advocacy. She served as a consultant in the development of the Olmsted Research Guide Online [ORGO, a joint project of the F.L. Olmsted National Historic Site (FLONHS) and the National Association for Olmsted Parks (NAOP) and for the NAOP’s subsequent data base OlmstedOnline.
Potomac Chapter ASLA Awards Gala
Hosted by Potomac Chapter ASLA