This is a two-part training; the first part is virtual, and the second part is in person.

Part 1: Wednesday, June 5th from 6pm – 8:30pm (virtual)
Part 2: Saturday, June 8th from 9am-12pm (in person)

Please join the National Park Service and Rock Creek Conservancy for our Rock Creek Weed Warrior training. This training provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to tackle the threat of invasive plants in Rock Creek Conservancy’s mini-oases.

This training is a TWO PART training:

  • Part 1 will be a virtual webinar on Wednesday evening. Trainees will learn about invasion ecology, plant identification, Rock Creek Conservancy’s mini-oasis restoration model, safety, and more.
  • Part 2 will be in person in Rock Creek Park on Saturday morning. Trainees will learn about tool safety, plant identification, and removal techniques. 
  • After completing the training, Weed Warriors will meet with a Conservancy staff member at the mini-oasis they would like to work in. This site visit will focus on the work plan for that specific site, and go more in depth on plant ID, removal strategies, etc. 

What are the requirements of becoming a Weed Warrior?

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Commit to serving at least 36 hours per calendar year in the mini-oases
  • Submit data and hours worked to the Conservancy at least monthly
  • Meet with Conservancy staff member at least 2 times per year on site to discuss workplan and strategy

If you would like to learn about the Rock Creek Conservancy mini-oases you can do so here, and see the map of our locations here.  Please reach out to the volunteer team ( if you have any questions.