Category: Field Notes

Field Notes

The Capitol’s Original Olmsted Trees

In this republished blog, the Architect of the Capitol celebrates the history of tree planting and tree preservation at the U.S. Capitol Grounds by highlighting some of the oldest trees on the grounds.
Field Notes

A Farewell to Anderson Park’s Olmsted Oak

In a violent storm, Anderson Park in New Jersey lost its elder statesman— a giant white oak that had been there since before the park opened.
Field Notes

Tornado briefly interrupts progress in Chickasaw Park

As Louisville’s Chickasaw Park recovers from a recent tornado, pledged funding for capital improvements and educational signage soften the blow.
Field Notes

Maplewood Memorial Park Conservancy wins grant for park improvements

Thanks to an AARP Community Challenge Grant, Olmsted Network partner Maplewood Memorial Park in NJ will receive a new walkway and new entryway plantings—updates that will better pedestrian access and bring the park closer to its original designs.
Field Notes

Mythbusting: The “Trees and Crime” Myth

Our friends at Casey Trees explore the connection, or lack thereof, between neighborhood trees and crime rates.
Field Notes

Rock Creek Conservancy helps shape future of historic amphitheater

Alliance forms to revitalize the historic Carter Barron Amphitheater in Washington, D.C.'s Rock Creek Park.
Field Notes

Olmsted Now Committee of Neighborhoods Wins BSLA Award

A multi-pronged campaign to establish public spaces as essential infrastructure for democratic exchange and community health is recognized by the Boston Society of Landscape Architects.
Field Notes

USCHS offers Christmas in July discount on Olmsted ornament 

Originally sold for $28, the U.S. Capitol Historical Society is now offering its exclusive bicentennial ornament for only $20.
Field Notes

“Olmsted Property” Category Submissions Welcome for Annual PGMS Awards 

The Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) Green Star Awards includes a category for “Olmsted Property” to recognize management which honors and respects historic properties. It is open to historic properties of all kinds.
Field Notes

Two Olmsted Landscapes in Connecticut Win Awards

Preservation Connecticut recently recognized Waterbury’s Fulton Park and New Britain’s Walnut Hill Park at their annual awards ceremony.
Field Notes

Meet LAF’s 2024 Olmsted Scholars 

The Landscape Architecture Foundation recently announced their 2024 Olmsted Scholars— 94 exceptional student leaders, including two National Olmsted Scholar winners and six finalists.
Field Notes

Lake Wales Envisioned documentary wins 2024 Communicator Award 

Dover, Kohl & Partners Town Planning celebrates accolade for documentary about Lake Wales’ Olmsted-inspired plan for expansion.
Field Notes

Riverside Park Conservancy Completes Bird-Friendly Retrofit

Window collisions kill an estimated one billion birds across the U.S. each year. Riverside Park in New York City recently took steps to make their 100 year old Volunteer House bird-safe.
Field Notes

Biltmore’s Azalea Garden: A Tribute to Chauncey Beadle

The Azalea Garden at Biltmore is home to more than 20,000 plants and is the culmination of an estate superintendent’s passion.
Field Notes

Biltmore: The Birthplace of American Forestry

When George Vanderbilt began planning his grand estate in Asheville, North Carolina, more than a century ago, portions of the lush forest that surround Biltmore House now once was overworked farmland and overcut woodland.