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Diverse voices exploring the Olmsteds' living legacy.
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Olmsted Network goes West!

Olmsted Network President & CEO Dede Petri recently visited Portland, OR, and Seattle, WA.
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Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Sara Cedar Miller

Sara Cedar Miller retired from Central Park Conservancy in June after 40 years as a photographer and historian.
Conservation & Advocacy

Olmsted’s treasured Emerald Necklace under siege

From the ongoing White Stadium litigation to plans for a high rise in Longwood, Boston’s linear park is seriously threatened.
Field Notes

Q&A with Author Marcy Cottrell Houle

A conversation with the author of Forest Park: Exploring Portland’s Natural Sanctuary

Landscape Advocate: Welcoming Marjorie Greville to Our Board 

Boston's Marjorie Greville of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy joins our leadership team and sits for a brief interview.
Field Notes

Maplewood Memorial Park Conservancy wins grant for park improvements

Thanks to an AARP Community Challenge Grant, Olmsted Network partner Maplewood Memorial Park in NJ will receive a new walkway and new entryway plantings—updates that will better pedestrian access and bring the park closer to its original designs.
Field Notes

Mythbusting: The “Trees and Crime” Myth

Our friends at Casey Trees explore the connection, or lack thereof, between neighborhood trees and crime rates.
Landscape Architecture & Design

The Dual Career of Calvert Vaux, Architect and Landscape Architect

Remembered as Olmsted's partner, Calvert Vaux introduced him to the profession of landscape architecture and was responsible for keeping him from abandoning it.
Field Notes

Olmsted Network goes West!

Olmsted Network President & CEO Dede Petri recently visited Portland, OR, and Seattle, WA.
Field Notes

The Olmsted Legacy in Seattle

How Olmsted Brothers helped make Seattle a beautiful city.

Field Notes

40 Mile Loop continues to expand 40 years after master plan

2023 is the 40th anniversary of Portland, Oregon’s 40 Mile Loop Master Plan, a plan rooted in the City’s Olmsted legacy. John Charles Olmsted’s 1903 report and parks plan submitted to Portland’s Mayor and Park Board recommended a system of parks connected by roughly 40 miles of parkways and tree-lined boulevards. For nearly 50 years, […]

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Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy Employs Augmented Reality

Earlier this summer, the Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy (Project No. 00700) launched the Olmsted App 2.0, an update to their original mobile app that launched in 2018. The app features updated wayfinding capability, an event calendar, and the latest news. The app also includes cutting-edge technology and imaginative 3D models, through augmented reality (AR), to […]

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Biltmore’s Bass Pond: Re-Creating the Missing Island

Did you know Biltmore’s Bass Pond originally had two islands within it? One of the islands (or “islets,” as landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted referred to them) mysteriously disappeared over the years. However, our horticulture team recently worked to re-create this feature as part of our mission to preserve the estate in Asheville, North Carolina. […]

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Personal Reflections

This blog series explores people's personal connections to the Olmsted family and their beloved landscapes.

Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Philip Loughlin

Meet Phillip Loughlin, a member of our Olmsted 200 Honorary Committee!
Personal Reflections

Meeting Beauty

Jane Alexander recalls living at 99 Warren Street, the home of the great landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted. Fairsted is now a National Historic Site.
Olmsted & Friends Interviews

Olmsted and Friends: Meet Betsy Shure Gross 

Meet Betsy Shure Gross, a member of our Olmsted 200 Honorary Committee!

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