Online Giving


Your support is critical to our future! When you donate, you help the Olmsted Network provide the advocacy, research, education and outreach needed to protect Olmsted landscapes for future generations. Make a secure gift online through Square or choose another way to give. You will receive a gift acknowledgment.

2024 Suggested Annual Donations

Individuals : $100

Olmsted Property Owners: $200

Faculty, Landscape Architects and Licensed Professionals: $250

Conservancies and Friends Groups: $250- $500 ($1,500 for budget over $2 million)

Parks Departments: $500

Campuses: $1,000

Neighborhood Associations and Planned Communities: $1,500

Family Foundations: $5,000 to $10,000

Other: Please be in touch.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Our corporate sponsorship levels range from $5,000 to $50,000. We recognize these sponsors prominently in our annual report. Learn more about our corporate sponsorships. 

Become an Olmsted Champion

All donors who donate more than $1,000 per year are known as Olmsted Champions. We recognize these donors prominently in our annual report.

Contributions by Mail

We welcome donations by mail, payable to the Olmsted Network. Please send them to: Olmsted Network, 1101 30th Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20007. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within two weeks of your gift, please contact us at to ensure we have received your donation. We aim to acknowledge all gifts promptly!

Matching Gifts

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to double or triple your contribution! Many employers will match contributions to charitable organizations. The Olmsted Network is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is eligible for most company matching gift programs. Please fill out a copy of your company’s matching gift form and forward it with your contribution to or send it to us: Olmsted Network, 1101 30th Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20007. We’ll complete the form and submit the application to your employer.

Gifts of Securities

You can help preserve the Olmsted legacy and enjoy tax advantages by making a gift of stock, bonds, mutual funds or other securities to the Olmsted Network. Giving securities is actually quite simple:

  1. When you donate securities in lieu of cash, you do not pay any capital gains tax on the appreciation, while you receive a deduction for the full market value on the date of your gift.
  2. To transfer the securities electronically by DTC, please contact— or have your broker contact— the Olmsted Network office at 202-223-9113 or
  3. Let us know if the securities are coming and the type and number of shares that will be transferred. We need this information to credit you properly and issue the receipt you will need for tax purposes.
  4. If the securities are in certificate form, please contact the Olmsted Network office at 202-223-9113 for instructions on how to transfer them securely.

Bequests/Planned Giving

Leave a lasting legacy by including the Olmsted Network in your estate plans! With a planned gift, you can support our education, research and advocacy efforts well into the future. For information on sample bequest language or to learn how to designate the Olmsted Network as a beneficiary, please view our information sheet.

Already have the Olmsted Network included in your estate plans? Please fill out and return this bequest information form so we can start acknowledging your generous gift today! To learn more, contact our President & CEO Dede Petri at or call 202-223-9113.


The Olmsted Network relies on generous sponsors to help us do our work. We invite individuals, families and corporations to invest and innovate with us— whether it’s sponsoring scholarships for our educational programs, underwriting our advocacy efforts, or supporting specific events like our annual national conference. Sponsors receive recognition online, in person and on select printed materials. To explore how you can support our work, please contact President & CEO Dede Petri at

Online Giving

Make a secure gift online through Square. You will receive a gift acknowledgment.