Master List of Design Projects (1857-1979)

A comprehensive guide to the work of the landscape architecture firm founded by Frederick Law Olmsted. Searchable by project type and location, the Master List includes research, illustrations and essays that demonstrate the importance of the Olmsted firm and its relevance today.

Image: Historic view of Fairsted

Intended as a resource for research and public education, The Master List of Design Projects of the Olmsted Firm 1857–1979 provides a comprehensive guide to the complete portfolio of the Olmsted firm, including over 6,000 projects throughout the U.S., Canada and other nations. In its richly illustrated and visually accessible format, it is tangible evidence of the importance and breadth of the work of the Olmsted firm and individuals recognized as pioneers in the field of landscape architecture.

Project types include:

Edited by Lucy Lawliss, Caroline Loughlin and Lauren Meier with essays by Julia S. Bachrach, Charles E. Beveridge, Ethan Carr, Lee Farrow Cook, Rolf Diamant, Nancy Pollock-Ellwand, Susan Klaus, Francis Kowsky, Arleyn Levee, Catherine Nagel, Anthony Reed and Jill Trebbe. Published by the National Association for Olmsted Parks and the National Park Service, Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site. 

If you are interested in ordering a physical copy for $75, please email You can also access the Master List of Design Projects online.