Whether for park, institution, residential complex or individual property, the Olmsted firm considered its design and planning commissions as interrelated components within a greater context. Beyond their clients’ stated needs, their designs looked further than a projects’ boundaries to potential linkages for educative value, for protection, amelioration or enhancement of natural scenery, and for service to the wider community. Arleyn Levee, landscape designer, historian and preservationist, will explore these themes, drawing from examples throughout the Olmsted firm’s canon of work over more than a century, emphasizing the relationships to the Lake Wales projects.
Arleyn Levee Designing For Community: Olmsted Residential Planning and Its Greater Context
Hosted by Bok Tower Gardens
February 19, 2022
Bok Tower Gardens
1151 Tower Blvd
Lake Wales, FL
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM