In the wake of the Civil War, American universities emerged as important national institutions.  Olmsted believed that the physical environment of learning – buildings and grounds – played a significant role in the success of education.  He planned campuses for Cornell and Stanford and successor Olmsted firms undertook projects at scores of institutions including Duke, Sewanee, Colby College, Harvard, Gallaudet, Wellesley, Swarthmore, and Johns Hopkins. 

In this day-long symposium, practitioners and scholars will focus on the Olmsteds and Campus Design to discuss campus planning and how Olmsted principles can inform campus design today. The schedule includes: 

8:30 am ET: Coffee and pastries

9:15 am ET: Opening Remarks, Dede Petri, President/CEO National Association for Olmsted Parks, Managing Partner of Olmsted 200

9:30 am ET: Keynote speaker Laurie Olin, FASLA, FAAR, Partner, Olin Studio, and Olmsted 200 Honorary Committee
The Olmsted Firm and the American Campus

10:30 am ET: Frederick Steiner, FASLA, FAAR, Dean of the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design
The Olmsteds and the Land Grants

11:30 am ET: Q & A

12:00 pm ET: Lunch

1:00 pm ET: Cathy Blake, FASLA, University Landscape Architect, Stanford University
Honoring the Olmsted Framework and Principles at Stanford University

2:00 pm ET: Mark Hough, FASLA, University Landscape Architect, Duke University
Uncovering the Olmsted Brothers Legacy at Duke University

3:00 pm ET: Michael Vergason, FASLA, FAAR, Principal, Michael Vergason Landscape Architects
Adapting Olmsted Precedent in Contemporary Campus Design

4:00 pm ET: Panel Discussion with Q & A
Moderator: Jennifer Reut, PhD, Acting Editor, Landscape Architecture Magazine, American Society of Landscape Architects

5 to 6 pm ET: Reception

Continuing education credits will be offered and attendance is limited to 60 participants. For a small fee, breakfast and lunch will be served.