Category: Parks & Public Spaces

Field Notes

Wheatena’s Contribution to the Rahway River Parkway

The gift that keeps on giving: how the Wheatena Corporation's gift of four acres of parkland to Rahway, New Jersey, in 1922 was the seed that grew into the Rahway River Parkway and, ultimately, the Union County Park System.
Field Notes

Friends of Olmsted-Beil House awarded grant for historic preservation plan

Friends of Olmsted-Beil House is the proud recipient of a grant that will enable them to prepare a historic preservation plan and schematic design for Olmsted’s historic farmhouse.
Conservation & Advocacy

Let Olmsted Point the Way  

The planned demolition of Boston's Shattuck Hospital presents an opportunity to reclaim public parkland.
Personal Reflections

Retracing Olmsted’s Footsteps

Olmsted Network President & CEO Dede Petri recounts the trip of a lifetime, retracing Frederick Law Olmsted's footsteps in England with John Phibbs, Gilly Kitching and 12 intrepid Olmsted pilgrims. Olmsted’s first book and delightful travelogue, Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England, provides the backdrop for these observations.
Personal Reflections

Walking in the Footsteps of Giants

Olmsted relative and landscape architect Susan Olmsted recounts the magic of walking in her ancestor’s footsteps as she helps restore California’s Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias for future generations.
Conservation & Advocacy

FLO Honored on Capitol Hill with Tree Dedication Ceremony

Recently, Congress planted a Kentucky coffeetree to memorialize Frederick Law Olmsted's powerful impact on the U.S. Capitol Grounds and America's physical and social fabric.

Spotlight on…Central Park

Explore the landscapes of Olmsted and Vaux's iconic Central Park in New York City.
Olmsted in the Arts

Washington Park Camera Club Produces South Park Then and Now 

With the assistance of the Hyde Park Historical Society and the Terra Foundation, the Washington Park Camera Club produced a memorable bicentennial video depicting South Park Then and Now.
Landscape Architecture & Design

The design principles of Frederick Law Olmsted in light of recent psychological research

John Olmsted explores Frederick Law Olmsted's design principles through a psychological lens.
Conservation & Advocacy

Franklin Park Action Plan: Restoring Olmsted’s Forgotten Haven

Franklin Park, a neglected park designed by Frederick Law Olmsted as part of Boston’s famed Emerald Necklace, sees a comprehensive action plan after a three-year planning process.
Conservation & Advocacy

Bicentennial Investments

Olmsted 200 has inspired a renewal of interest in Olmsted parks and places— and the principles behind them. This post showcases a sampling of the many magnificent investments that dedicated communities are making in their landscapes across the country.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Exploring the Olmsted Legacy in Maryland: How the Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks & Landscapes Can Help

As its contribution to Olmsted 200, the FMOPL Archives Committee has compiled a Master List of the digital and archival records for projects throughout Maryland that involved the Olmsted firm— 136 projects in all! They seek to foster research on Maryland Olmsted Projects.
Field Notes

Laurel Hill Association celebrates Olmsted with annual tradition

Olmsted served as the honoree for this year’s Laurel Hill Day, an annual event held in a beautiful native glen in Stockbridge, MA.
Field Notes

Highland Park Conservancy successful in campaign to reconstruct Children’s Pavilion

Rochester, NY celebrated Olmsted 200 by announcing an important restoration project and hosting a summer of Olmsted-themed events.
Field Notes

Olmsted-Beil House debuts map project and welcomes Eagle Scout volunteer

The Friends of Olmsted Beil House offer new educational and ecological offerings at Olmsted’s Farmhouse.