Category: Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Charles E. Beveridge

The Olmsted Firm— An Introduction

In this reprinted article, Charles E. Beveridge walks us through the evolution of the Olmsted firm.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Spotlight on… Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site

In the nearly one hundred years the Olmsted Firm was active in Brookline, Massachusetts, no other firm in the country was comparable in number of employees, size of space, or scale of organization. Fairsted, now known as the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site, held the firm’s offices.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Grand Plans: TROY’s ties to an American architectural legend

This is the first in a three-part series exploring the development of Troy University’s campus and its ties to the renowned landscape architecture firm the Olmsted Brothers, responsible for some of the most iconic public spaces in America.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Grand Plans: A vision rediscovered

This is the third in a three-part series exploring the development of Troy University’s campus and its ties to the renowned landscape architecture firm the Olmsted Brothers, responsible for some of the most iconic public spaces in America.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Grand Plans: TROY steps towards the future

This is the second in a three-part series exploring the development of Troy University’s campus and its ties to the renowned landscape architecture firm the Olmsted Brothers, responsible for some of the most iconic public spaces in America.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

The History of Olmsted Island

Olmsted Island was named in honor of Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Exploring the Olmsted Legacy in Maryland: How the Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks & Landscapes Can Help

As its contribution to Olmsted 200, the FMOPL Archives Committee has compiled a Master List of the digital and archival records for projects throughout Maryland that involved the Olmsted firm— 136 projects in all! They seek to foster research on Maryland Olmsted Projects.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

The Olmsted Brothers at The Broadmoor

The Olmsted family's influence extends to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, where "The West" begins with The Broadmoor. The Olmsted Brothers designed the grounds of the iconic resort.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Spotlighting Morrill’s Role in the Capitol Grounds

This blog highlights the connection between Frederick Law Olmsted and Justin Smith Morrill.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

The Campus Green: The Olmsted Firm’s Designs for Vassar College

Professor Yvonne Elet recounts the Olmsted legacy at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Olmsted Spotlight: Olmsted Parks Conservancy

In honor of Olmsted 200, Kenneth Lynch & Sons welcomes you to their series of interviews featuring Olmsted parks across the nation. This one explores Olmsted Parks Conservancy in Louisville, KY.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Olmsted at 200: Exploring Lesser-Known New York Connections on the Bicentennial of His Birth

Originally posted to the New York State Urban Forestry Council's blog, this piece by Michelle Sutton explores Olmsted's lesser-known connections with cities and towns of Upstate, NY.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Olmsted Spotlight: Fort Greene Park— “A Park for the Community”

In honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Frederick Law Olmsted, the founder of American landscape architecture, Kenneth Lynch & Sons welcomes you to their series of interviews featuring Olmsted parks across the nation. First up, Fort Greene Park.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Unconscious Influence: Olmsted’s Hartford 

In a new manuscript, urban planner Don Poland explores the influence of Horace Bushnell on Frederick Law Olmsted during his formative early years in Hartford.
Olmsted & the Olmsted Firm

Olmsted City of Greater Utica: A Treasure in Central New York 

Glorious – and underappreciated – designed landscapes by Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. and the Olmsted Brothers Firm make Utica a very special community in central New York.